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January 27, 2011

Richard Poon: I'll Be Seeing You

January 24, 2011, Monday

My friend Lance offered me of watching Richard Poon at KCC Mall of GenSan this coming Wednesday at exactly 6:00pm. I was so desperate to watch my Crush/Favorite Singer of Sessionistas/Ever Supported Jazz Musician Mr. Richard Poon on stage singing my favorite songs. I have already decided!

January 26, 2011, Wednesday (6:00pm)

After my class at 4:30pm my friend Janine was planning of going to KCC to fix her mobile phone and so I decided to wait for Lance at World's of Fun before watching Richard Poon. To kill my time before 6:00pm comes I played Pump It Up with my friend Janine then Lance and Collene came. After playing we immediately went inside the KCC Convention Center to find ourselves comfortable seats so that we could see Richard Poon.

This is it!
After the host was introducing the sponsors and the likes, Janine and Collene came back after buying Coke Float. Just as they came, Richard Poon was introduced and then he came out. HE WAS SO CUTE!!! I was really amazed and full of happiness that I have already seen him in real life and in front of me singing my favorite songs of him. He sang 7 songs including one of my favorite "I'll Take Care of You" and "Portrait of Love", also he sang Complicated and Panalangin. His voice was so cool and very pleasant in my ears and also his face that is so angelic and very innocent. He was like a "gentleman" in his tuxedo and he was soooo cccuuutteeee because of his very chinese eyes. Still while listening to his songs I really couldn't believe that I'm watching and hearing him singing those songs I've just listened from my playlist.

After singing his last song, the next thing is his album signing and I DON'T HAVE ANY ALBUM BROUGHT to let him sign! The opportunity of having a picture with him and having him signed an album for me was the unluckiest thing I have done! Before deciding to go out we took a sit first because many people are going out now of the Center and some fans are now on the left wing of the stage to let Richard Poon sign their albums. Fortunately!!! I saw Kuya Avel Manansala and Kuya Marz at the back waiting for some moment to let the Big Band Crooner sign their album and have a photo with them.

This is REALLY is it!
Kuya Avel and Kuya Marz accepted my request of going with them on stage! YES!!! I was so lucky! Lance requested me of taking a photo of Richard Poon with his phone and "xempre pumayag ako eh!". When it was our turn I immediately took a photo of him using Lance's phone and I guess I took 5 photos of him. Then after having a photo of Kuya Marz and Kuya Avel with Richard Poon, I quickly went to him and put my hands on his shoulder and then POOF! PHOTO! Thanks Sir Avel for taking a photo of us! I was so glad and very happy that I have not just listened and watched Richard Poon on stage but I also had the chance of having get near of him and having a photo with him. I really can't explain how I feel on that day but I was so happy and satisfied of what I have done.

(upper right: Kuya Marz, Richard and me; upper left: Richard Poon performing on stage
lower right: Kuya Avel with Richard Poon; lower right: me, while Richard is performing)

P.S.: Thanks Sir Avel and Kuya Marz for the memorabilia! :D
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About the Author

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General Santos City, Region XII, Philippines
23 year-old artist in my own way. Gradually searching for my purpose, my worth and my life.

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