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December 11, 2012

Ladybug Productions: Call Me Maybe of Mr. and Ms. GenSan 2012

This is the first project of the Ladybug Productions, the 2nd unit of Green Tomato of Royale Iris, the Call Me Maybe of the candidates of Mr. and Ms. GenSan 2012 for the annual celebration of Tuna Festival 2012. This is under the partnership of Project O! Consultants of the most ganda ever so much Mr. Orman Manansala.

At first we thought that this project would be tough since almost everyone are doing a crazy, cute and unique versions of this song of Carly Rae Jepsen. A version of Katy Perry, Justin Bieber and as well as the well-known models and Filipino celebrities Anne Curtis, Georgina Willson, Liz Uy and the rest of the gang. Going back, the team being lead by Director Heintje Fernandez planned the overall output of the video. But since this is a second unit, Densho has to lead us what to do and so the rest of us, Kristan, Glenn and I had to do the footages.

At first it was kinda tough to do yet after a couple of hours of getting along with the candidates and seeing them do their funny stuff of call me maybe, our moods boost up and the whole duration of the shoot was fun and enjoying. The following days were good and surprisingly the final output of the shoot was good. :)

I'm so thankful that this experience came to mold my skills and abilities in videography or in shooting videos. Hahaha!! Here's the video and I hope you'd enjoy it.

Special thanks to: Mr. Orman Manansala, Mr. and Ms. GenSan candidates and the rest of the sponsors of this event.

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General Santos City, Region XII, Philippines
23 year-old artist in my own way. Gradually searching for my purpose, my worth and my life.

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