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November 29, 2008

Corner by Corner

( A view from the tree house )

( The so-called Dome in our school... )

( The 1st half of the Covered Area: Sepak Takraw Court
and Taekwondo
Gym )

( The other half of the Covered Area: Basketball Area )

As I went down the vehicle, I saw an high school teacher on front of the school. It was my Physics teacher in high school and at the same time she was our adviser ( LOL ). Before entering the school you must encounter first the "warriors" of the gate, the guards. As I enter the gate, the guard checks the ID and the bag with all their efforts in inspection of our things. At last I was already inside the dome when the bell rang. I quickly hurried to my classroom, and luckily our professor wasn't their yet, thank God. And after some few minutes there our teacher coming right to our room with an undefined mood. Duh! Their was never a discussion of the lesson but the discussion of the late comers ( I was nearly to that stage ^_^ ).

After the bell rang me and my friend Tabby went to the Alumni Walk to look for my another friends Frances. There I saw her with her sisters laptop, then after some several minutes we went to the tree house to have a relaxation. Then she studied their while me and Tabby keeps on laughing.

We took our lunch and went back to the school. I had no class anymore after that 2:30 class and so I went to my friend Frances who was in the Covered Area having their P.E. It was kind a boring their, I had nothing to do but to wait her. At last their P.E class was over.

I was really tired when I went home after having some celebration of my niece's birthday. Then I went to sleep.

Hey! I got this pictures while I was on our trip at the school. ^_^...


About the Author

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General Santos City, Region XII, Philippines
23 year-old artist in my own way. Gradually searching for my purpose, my worth and my life.

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