It was a very early morning when I entered the comfort room just to take a bath. When my cellphone alarmed because its already 7:00 in the morning and I have my 7:30 class. Gosh! I hurried to the bedroom, changed my clothes, fix myself, ate some breakfast, had a toothbrush then rushed away. I wasn't late why? Because our professor was late also..

Well, after the 2 hour class, me and a friend of mine went to an internet cafe to have a relaxation time and so we went there. After surfing on the internet, our other friends Anna and Nicole texted us because we are now going to eat our lunch. As usual we eat at Angels, just in front of the school, where we always we eat since last 2008. After the eating session, we went back to the school to have a rest before entering our subjects, we went to the elementary department to breathe some fresh air,the air in the elementary department really relaxes and refreshes us.
It was 2:30 in the afternoon when I ended my class and I was in a hurry to watch the Mischievous Princess and Mr. Bean in ABS-CBN. While waiting for a vehicle I saw this old rusty bike in front of the house where I was waiting for a ride. It was kind a old and odd, yet still runs. There goes the jeepney and I rode home.
On the way to the house I saw the uniqueness of the clouds in the sky while walking. It was very fluffy like cotton candies that I eat after having the church (share lang). When I got home, my sister and her daughter was sleeping and my brother was preparing for dinner. When it was already 4:00 in the afternoon, I was in front of the television waiting for the show but something happened that terminated my will to watch the show. It was the regional news anchor trying to give the latest news that happened just the past days and the recent day. I was shocked about it and turned it off. Duh! that was a crap. Instead of wasting time, I slept.

at: January 9, 2009 at 7:51 PM said...
the first pic is nice...
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