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December 19, 2008

Christmas Countdown - 11 days

On the 11th day before Christmas was such a very busy day.


We had our Pastoral Day at the Maria Gorettie, home for female orphans, I think. It was fun being with those kids, rather with those girls. When we went there the children rather the girls were kind a busy. When we reached their gate, someone shouted "Naa na sila! (They're here)!". When someone said, that everyone went out of the house and had this very weird stare. Luckily someone smiled and greeted us welcome then followed by the other girls. To start the mini program we had the prayer then the telling of the our names and their names also. The rule for us, Likas Teatro Members, was to tell our name and our talent. Then for them, the girls, their name, age, place and talent also. Their ages really differ to each other. The oldest was I think 19 years old the youngest was 6 years of age. The whole mini program was fun. We had games, intermission numbers and some kind of eating session. When it was already 5:00 pm we went home because the girls are going to have their Christmas party and they need to dress up and go. It ended up saying goodbyes to them and having this autograph signing. (LOL)!


I watch the Twilight movie on Cinema 1. It was great, I really liked the movie. I've been craving for this movie since it was released in Cinemas all over the world and since it was being popularized. After watching the movie, we ate at the Cafe Spazio for our dinner.

11 days before Christmas!


Lollii-Pii says:
at: December 20, 2008 at 12:40 PM said...

I ♥ twilight..It's cool^^

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General Santos City, Region XII, Philippines
23 year-old artist in my own way. Gradually searching for my purpose, my worth and my life.

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