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December 10, 2008

Christmas Countdown - 19 days

How I Wish

By. Roman Gerard T. Podico

A cold-midnight, silent and breezy, chilled me up.

Everything was blur, dark and quiet,

And there alone, was a lighted Christmas tree standing vividly into my sight.

No one's home, only me and the Christmas tree.

I went out, walked through, and saw everything;

Empty streets with lit lights, colorful houses with stars so bright

And the different symbols of Christmas were around my silhouette but it wasn't the spirit.

I went back home, sleepy and tired, and again no one's home.

I opened the fridge and drank some water.

When something caught my eyes, a message, an unknown message.

It says, "Everything will be fine, just wait..."

There was no name in it, I ignored, went back to bed and laid.

Something sounds, ringing loudly beside me.

It was my alarm, ringing at 6:00 in the morning,

I fell asleep! I noticed something,

Someone's standing beside the window: It wasn't clear and vivid.

I went near and trying to touch it.

But when I held and shook it, something fell and a broken sound was made...

It was the lampstand. I was alone, no one's home, alone at Christmas eve.

I wrote this poem because of boredom. This poem is all about a man who celebrated his Christmas alone, without anyone companion. He wishes to have a companion that will make his Christmas more special.

Feeling like this was what I felt when being so bored and alone. You can't ignore it! Because you will be thinking of someone special to be with you and you are also thinking that you were with him/her just to loosen your boredom.

When I was writing this poem, I was putting a scene in my mind the scenes in this poem. Every line was a special moment, and each line had different moods like sorrow, sadness and laziness.

I hope that I will not Celebrate a Christmas like this.

19 days to go!


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General Santos City, Region XII, Philippines
23 year-old artist in my own way. Gradually searching for my purpose, my worth and my life.

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