It was 1:30 pm at HR 209 when I had my RE112 and our professor wasn't present. It happened that he wasn't present but there was a substitute for him. The called professor told us that our professor went out of school because of some reasons regarding the catechetical services at school. He told us that we should be in pair for this times activity, and so I have no choice but to be with Glennville. He used to be alone, not at all, but he also used to be so talkative and very loud. He was kind a lazy and "tamad". Duh! I have no choice but to do the task alone and so I did yet it was hard for me to search for parables in the bible. The professor told us to look for each 1 of us to look for a parable in the new testament. And so, my partner tried to search on the internet while me, busy looking and asking to my classmate where and what and finally I found it. I saw a parable about the two sons.
It was about a father who asked his sons to go to the vineyard to do some work. On the first son, he asked him and said Yes but didn't go. After that, he asked the other son and asked the same question he asked to the first. It said No, but went to the vineyard. Now who's the good son? The one who said yes but didn't go or the one who said no but went to the vineyard. Jesus said these to the prostitutes and workers, and they answered the one who said no and went to the vineyard. The Jesus your right. Now I cant really remember the other details but thats the story.
The story was great and inspiring. If I were to choose which of the two, I would like to be the one who said no and went because even though he said no he tried to go. I want to be like that. ^_^...
I want to help not in words but in actions.
15 days before Christmas!
It was about a father who asked his sons to go to the vineyard to do some work. On the first son, he asked him and said Yes but didn't go. After that, he asked the other son and asked the same question he asked to the first. It said No, but went to the vineyard. Now who's the good son? The one who said yes but didn't go or the one who said no but went to the vineyard. Jesus said these to the prostitutes and workers, and they answered the one who said no and went to the vineyard. The Jesus your right. Now I cant really remember the other details but thats the story.
The story was great and inspiring. If I were to choose which of the two, I would like to be the one who said no and went because even though he said no he tried to go. I want to be like that. ^_^...
I want to help not in words but in actions.
15 days before Christmas!
" Action speaks louder than words"
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