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December 17, 2008

Christmas Countdown - 14 days

It had been a busy day for everybody, me, my friends and my family. My sister cleans the house (she's bored staying in the house), my friends preparing for their practical exams on their P.E and their preparations for tomorrows Computer Age Society Night or CAS Night just held at the Covered Area of the school while me... Busy preparing for my posts for my blog, photos for my accounts and leveling up my character. Well, of course I'm also part of the CAS Night, as a member, and so after the busy blogs and etc. I looked for dresses in my cabinet. There was nothing to be worn except that very thick long sleeves that was hung in it and a very "old" black slocks. Well, i have nothing to do but to have the semi-formal attire. I got the my "recreated" vans shoes on the shoe rack, blue long sleeve and a white pants. But I was worrying about my white pants because it will be easily get dirt so now I've been thinking of what good combination will I do. And so, I looked for my other pants but there were in the laundry. While thinking of more solutions, I was alarmed because we will have our rehearsals right now and so, I quickly dressed up and went to school. But there was no rehearsal at all, that was just a false alarm, well because I haven't took my lunch yet I went to the CMRE Office where my Aunt stays and ate some lunch there. After that, Sister Cynthia requested me to make a powerpoint presentation for the Alumni Homecoming's Mass that will be held at the field so, I made one and ended on 5:30 in the afternoon. Because its already late and my Aunt is already done with her classes we went back home together.

Going down the market my Aunt was suppose to buy vegetables and meats for her fridge yet she saw somekind of "ukay ukay" near the market. And so, she decided to go there and have some ukay ukay trip. She bought a "tube-like" whatever it is, and she bought it, while me? I chose nothing but to watch her. She asked me if I liked something there and I saw this one of a kind pants on the corner of the store. She asked me if I really like it and I said Yes. Then she bought it without any second thoughts. I was happy about that (LOL), hahaha!!!

Thanks to my Aunt she was my saviour in disguise. Well, it had been a great combination with my long sleeves and my shoes...She bought a gift!

Well, 14 days to go before Christmas!


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General Santos City, Region XII, Philippines
23 year-old artist in my own way. Gradually searching for my purpose, my worth and my life.

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