These days were been so busy, that I can't update my blog. But now, I am ready again for my countdown. I know I am already late yet I still want to put my countdown here.
My 21st day was a photo of November 21, 2008. I was in a mall this time. I was having some window shopping, when I saw this big lighted Christmas tree at the center of the mall. Being looked up my everybody, the Christmas was being noticed by everybody not by its size but by its stunning moment being revealed.
It had lighted reindeer on the side, it had big Christmas balls and mistletoes, it also had lighting christmas lights were it sparkles or glistens like real stars.
By this time, I thought that it was November yet a portrait of the spirit of Christmas was being shown in this scene. Then I was so excited in this time to build our Christmas tree yet I have no time to do that.
Right now, I can merely feel the spirit of Christmas from my surroundings up to my experiences. I'm very excited for this year's Christmas.
21 days before Christmas!
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