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December 3, 2008


( A friend of mine while raising the "nakakahiya" sign
that I made )

( I made this because nakakahiya ang ginawa ko! )
While we were having out Math time at Tuesday 1:30 pm at the fourth floor I had the most "nakakahiyang" role. We had our assignment and then we had this 1km = 1.609 m. I thought that the 1.609 was 1,609 m. And so when we had the board work, I told our professor that the answer was wrong especially the convertion. My professor was in a shock and told me that it was right. But then I still insisted until I realized that I was wrong. I was very ashamed of what I had done. And then after that moment, I made this lettering of "nakakahiya" at a piece of coupon bond and made fun of it. Gosh! Shame on me... Its so nakakahiya!!!

Tawa talaga ng tawa ang kaklase ko, lalong lalo na ang teacher ko... Huwaattt???!!

At least no, alam ko na kung anong mali ko...


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General Santos City, Region XII, Philippines
23 year-old artist in my own way. Gradually searching for my purpose, my worth and my life.

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