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December 2, 2008

Christmas Countdown - 23 Days

When I was thinking for my 23rd day before Christmas, I thought of having a photo of 23 gifts yet it so hard to have 23 gifts. So I decided to think of another one. When I saw the old teddy bear stuff toy which was in my window I asked my mother if how many years it was. She said that, maybe it is 20 - 25 yrs old because that was the favorite stuff toy of my older sister when she was still in her childhood dayd, right now my older sister is 28 yrs. old. Then when I heard about it, I thought that maybe its 23 yrs old and so I thought of putting it here in my blog as the content of my 23rd day. The teddy bear was very old compared to the cute little one.

Ok, continue the story of the teddy bear (LOL). The teddy bear was the favorite stuff toy of my older sister that's why it's still alive. Later, the teddy was now torn because of "i don't know", maybe it was being pulled by my nephew or being torn by the rat. Well, I realized that all the things in this world are not for forever and so I compared the teddy bear to the new cute little stuff toy. The stuff toy was new, it was a gift from my sister.

Comparing the image of the old teddy and the new little stuff toy, the new had much nice appearance than the old teddy but its not the physical state but its the time you spent to it. I realized that, the old teddy had much time spent while still existing in this land.

Good! Its not the physical or whatsoever but it is the time spent.

23 days before Christmas!


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General Santos City, Region XII, Philippines
23 year-old artist in my own way. Gradually searching for my purpose, my worth and my life.

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