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December 3, 2008

Christmas Countdown - 22 Days

I was in a hurry to put this as the 22nd yet I was just in time. I was thinking of not putting this because I was late and another thing, this was really the 23rd yet I haven't processed this one. That's why. But I still posted this.

Well, why did I chose this? Because, because of this I can remember the past when I was still in my childhood days. I was fun and busy of making Christmas Card made from coupon bonds and other craft materials for my brothers, sisters and for my parents. I was very fun of experimenting things on making "cards" like sticking things and putting unordinary things like accents, ribbons and cut-outs.

Recalling the past, me, my Ate or sister and my brother used to do this to be given to our father at Manila where my another sister will give it or submit it to him. We were really fun of doing it until it came to the time that we grew older and we forgot to do this instead we text our father through our cellphones or by calling to him.

Oh, I miss those days that I was making this kind of things. Hmpf...

Hey guys! Are you also fun of making cards? Well, you only 22 days left before Christmas!


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General Santos City, Region XII, Philippines
23 year-old artist in my own way. Gradually searching for my purpose, my worth and my life.

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